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"Grandma Diane began bringing me [to Christ the King Lutheran Church and Preschool] as an infant...She stole me from my house to take me to church," remembers 16-year-old Journey with a smile. In addition to attending services, Journey had served several roles with the conregation- as an acolyte (when she was 8), a reader, and even a volunteer with Godly Play. Prior to this year, Journey felt this was her place, these her people. And that feeling deepened when her mother died in the Spring. "Sometimes I still text her. I know I'm not going to get an answer or anything, but I still do it." The night Journey found out her mother died she called Leah. Leah stayed up all night and the next day to support her. Before she moved out of state, Leah was a member of CTK. She's planning on going to Illinois for the funeral. 

"I'm most grateful to God for my church, friends, and family...I'm grateful to God that the church has responded to me with such a welcome after my mom died, that you all understand how rough it's been." Expressing gratitude even in grief, Journey hopes to take up more leadership roles in the church.

"I love Godly Play because it's for the kids, it's meaningful." In the future, she may even be hoping to support Krewe of Noah or a faith play with children. She is living out her faith each day thanks to your generosity, mentorship, and support, her Christ the King Lutheran church family. 

Thanks to Journey for sitting down with Pastor Laura and sharing her story,